Energia Europa is the only manufacturer of a patented Smart Green Technology, called EP-X, a proven technology that helps to increase energy efficiency; these are the potential impacts and benefits of this technology:
ENERGY EFFICIENCY: decreases disturbances and losses of the electrical network, bringing real energy efficiency; improves the quality of energy (Power Quality) on the loads, extending their lifespan.
FINANCIAL SAVING: reduces electricity consumption by providing the same work performed, normally generating a variable economic saving between 3% to 6% according to the kinds of loads which are present in the line; the result is scientifically measurable thanks to the Patented Bypass and the data logger.
ENVIRONMENTAL SAVING: every kWh saved is equivalent to 0,5 kg of lower CO2 emissions (EU 28), where each kg of CO2 saved corresponds to 0,0025 kg of lower NOx (nitrogen oxides) emissions, and each kg of CO2 saved amounts to 0,005 kg of lower SOx (sulfur oxides) emissions, thus contribute to the preservation of the planet for future generations.
You can watch this video for more information: