for energy efficiency investment in small and medium supermarkets,
based on stakeholder and community engagement.

Community Engagement
efficiency investment in small and medium supermarkets based on
stakeholder and community engagement.

efficiency investments in two relevant pilot case studies.

SUPER-HEERO objectives
The SUPER-HEERO project aims at providing a replicable financial scheme for energy efficiency investment in small and medium supermarkets, based on stakeholder and community engagement.
The approach relies on three main instruments: engineered Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), product-service models for technology providers engagement and community-based crowdfunding/cooperative initiatives.
SUPER-HEERO will enable upfront cost reduction and engagement of additional investment sources, while bringing direct economic and environmental savings for the supermarket, as well as cascade to the final customer, the engaged ESCOs and utilities, and technology providers.

About us

Meet Super-Heero
Expected Impacts
88 Stores engaged to implement mechanisms with a total floor of 29,560 m2
Primary energy saving of 7094 GWh/year
Reduction of the greenhouse gases emission of 6807 tCO2/year
4.7M of investment in energy efficiency measures will be leveraged.
Delivery of innovative financing schemes that are operational and ready to be implemented.
